Happy Summer! Life is Full of Change

Maybe it is only me but everyone seems to be changing  – one way or another.  Feeds on Facebook are decreasing as the summer heat takes hold and outdoor play or necessity is the sport of the season.   I hear more news of people arranging their time, money and priorities to meet the challenges of life as they know it.  Extremes seem to be the measure of the day and holding ground means coming together to support what we hold dear.  People are questioning everything – and rightly so!   Nothing will remain the same as we walk the COVID path and beyond.  Who would have guessed that a virus would be the “war”  of things.

Where do we go from here?  While we can change with determination and persistence outside aspects the real journey is within.  Sustainable change starts within and this journey (as it always has) is now manifesting itself front and center in most peoples lives.  What we feed ourselves with news, media and within our own mind will play a more important role in how we shape the future.  Generations of people will be affected by how we choose to use our collective powers and our collective actions.   I believe to change outside forces we need to gather together to support issues, changes in laws and how commerce is done to achieve a better World for everyone.  I also believe that we need to start a serious journey within.  Instead of trying to make everyone like ourselves or our beliefs we need to live the fullness of our own self responsibility, self acceptance and create healthy boundaries for ourselves and others.  Joy or Happiness is a birth right not given by others. It starts with managing our total self and our mind (thoughts).  There is nothing practicality religious about the prior statement.  The core of kindness, compassion and interconnection  are universal.  Power over others is an illusion that drains one but may feel exciting.  Inspiring others is a liberating experience with little responsibility and extends our own peacefulness and connectivity.

There are many messages out their right now and those that are ill willed, restricted to personal rights, bonded to an illusionary past will fall away.  Because the majority of people understand and live in taking   collective action and are striving for personal well being.  Every journey starts with a step so make yours a conscious one.      I am aware that going within is not isolating but an expansion of my own creativity and self-love.    I am aware that we are all connected by the necessity of the Earth’s gifts that sustain us.  I am aware that I can facilitate change for myself and thereby allowing others to do the same should they choose.

May the heat of the summer burn off the excess that binds you!  May the summer breezes temper your journey.

If you are interested in meditation or healing please check out ramonasresources.com and shop the store for some great audio files for meditation or schedule an at distance appointment for a Reiki Healing.  Connection is everything.

Blessed BE.



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