Frequently Asked Questions

Meditation FAQ

Meditation is a practice where an individual focuses their mind on a particular object, thought, or activity so as to train their attention and awareness to achieve mental clarity and become emotionally and physically “calmer” or in an awareness state.    In short: Meditation is the practice of being aware. 


The ability to do this exists in everyone.  People do not get or buy the ability- they participate in a method (taught or self-guided) that expands their own ability.  “To be in the present moment” is an accepted term when people generally associate with meditation. 


Many activities of modern life are centered on external distractions as opposed to self-focusing or higher connecting skills that promote overall balance for the mind/body connection.       

There are numerous types of meditation most based on training your mind to states of awareness.  Some types of self-focusing methods are:


  • Chanting
  • Mantras
  • Music
  • Guided word
  • Sound
  • Objects
  • Movement

These tools are used to create an anchor (focus point) to promote awareness. 

All mediation is ultimately self-guided and that is the beauty of working with something that exists within you. Basically, it depends on the type of meditation you choose or what suits you within your personal journey.   

Ramona offers a unique 3  combination method that is easy to do and made specifically for beginners to meditation.   

  • Breath Practice
  • Guided Visual Cues & Music Spaced Practice
  • Affirmations 

It is designed to assist you in shifting focus while in practiced breathing from a combination of guided instruction of visual cues/music practice and the promotion of a deeper relaxation through acknowledging positive affirmations.   When one can master following breath and relaxing deeply for a period of time (guided or otherwise) then the internal energy of meditation becomes awakened and strengthen.   Ramona's meditation practices are simple and basic so as to serve as a foundation for learning how to meditate.  From this practice one can expand to any other method they feel open to. 

Group session offer something different with the "light" guided meditation which is a fully guided meditation (not written by Ramona) with ambient sound all based on visual cues.   The "light" meditation is a great all purpose guided meditation and Ramona loves to use it. Open to all Levels.  If you are seeking a easy and fun "go to" guided meditation then this is a great choice.  Please note that participation in this meditation will require one to sit quietly for 25 or 40 mins.     

Ramona customizes all her meditation practices and private sessions have the choice of Ramona's series or  the "light" meditation.   

This question has many different answers but I see it as three fold: 

  • Acknowledgment of the mind/body connection
  • Acknowledgment of our observant sense of perspective
  • Acknowledgment of interconnectivity of all things.   

Meditating taps into our awareness state that allows the body and mind to kind of “reboot” - or as some say “expands the awareness muscle”. 


Generally, it is accepted that meditative states promote deeper relaxation which positively affects the body and can stabilize systems within the body.  Meditation offers a sustainable method for self-regulating the mental chatter which can promote changes to some heighten emotional/neurological response systems.  Meditation can also promote the essence of our interconnectivity to all things which some theories promote as a spiritual practice.  

There are many types for many reasons and what works well with some may not work as well for others.  As you evolve you may use different types which give different tools.  Ramona focuses on breath practice and guided visual cue in a meditative format for beginners.  Ramona encourages her clients to make some form of meditation a part of their daily life. 

I do not believe so.  Meditation is a journey within your stages of awareness.  People well trained and in deeper states may experience things however Ramona's method is focused for learning to get comfortable with breath practices.  Meditation is not new age but perhaps some of the hype and different twists on it are.  Our goal is to help the beginner practice the basics and capture the benefits of reducing stress  and heightening interconnectivity.     

No.  It is not a religion or belief or social or occult order system. 

This link to Wikipedia can help with one view of history and background on meditation.  Its content is the responsibility of Wikipedia.
Meditation is a very personal experience but generally you may experience sense of relaxation, tingling in the body, slower breathing, more awareness of your body or our surroundings, when visualizing you may become distracted by other thoughts or ideas, you may see colors or hear background noises, feel tired or your body may fall asleep.  
It is perfectly okay to fall asleep or what may feel as asleep. It is also okay to change position during meditation (if needed) to be comfortable.   Yoga positions are not required. We would like you to try to have your spine as straight as possible. Just listen to the instruction and go with the flow.  There is no perfection in meditation it is the practice that counts.  

Reiki FAQ

REIKI is a Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy-God force. REI describes the universal, transcendental, and limitless aspect of this energy. KI represents the vital life force which is in all living things- the same energy that is known as Chi by the Chinese, Prana by the Hindu, Mana by the Kahunus, and Light by the Christians. Dr. Mikao Usui's earliest recorded history of REIKI dates back to the 1820’s.  Dr. Mikao taught Dr. Hayashi who made Mrs. Hawayo Takata a Reiki master.  Mrs. Hawayo Takata lived and taught Reiki on the island of Hawaii. I practice in that tradition of Reiki.

The Reiki session is usually administered in a quiet, confidential atmosphere. The client is asked to lie down or be seated, fully clothed (except for shoes) in a chair or on a message table.  Relaxing music is optional. The practitioner administers Reiki by placement of his or her hands on the client in a number of different positions, usually holding each for about 3-5 mins.  You may feel a cold or warm sensations when touched.  Hand positions can be on the body and/or above the body or both.  At Distance healing is just as effective as in- person.  The practitioner intends the energy to the client using the same hand placements or direct intended imagery.  At Distance allows those out of the practitioner's reach to receive a healing and it also provides the benefit of being in your own space during a session.  It is recommended that you remain in a quiet and undistracted space and refrain from eating, drinking or physical activity.  Music is not required.  No referral to medical treatment, no prescriptions or herbal supplements or use of instruments as replacement of hands, no adjustments to the persons body or diagnoses of any kind should be done or discussed.  No puncture to the skin or technique that would be  deemed certified as a medical or alternative medical practice under the laws of the State or Medical Board/Federal Laws.     

Reiki energy is drawn down through the crown chakra of the practitioner, into their heart chakra, and then passed through the arms and hands and into the client.  The hand positions used by the practitioner can be directly on the body, slightly above the body or the energy can be drawn and sent at- distance.  It is the client that draws appropriate amounts of energy to whichever areas of the body needs it.    In Reiki:  The “practitioner” is a facilitator and therefore does not take on the karma of the client nor does client take on the karma of the practitioner. 

Many people go into a quiet, relaxed, meditative state during the session. You may feel waves of gentle energy relaxing your body. You may find that you mind becomes still or thoughts become less intense. Tingling in your body, deep relaxation, heighten sense of your surroundings, falling asleep or sleep like. Some people have confirmed to me they experienced a mini clearing of emotions, negative thoughts, some have reported mild physical clearings.  After a session you may feel a sense of awaking from a deep relaxation, feel renewed, calm or simply no different at all.  Not all responses are experienced by everyone and each person facilitates their healing process.  Reiki is a natural, simple, save method which works well in conjunction with other medical and therapeutic techniques to promote recovery and wellness.

There are no restrictions following a session.  Generally, it is recommended that you drink water, eat lightly, do light exercises and allow yourself some down time to be present.  Please note: I do not do mini readings or mediumship of any kind during or after the healing sessions.  Please join my  Facebook (free) or email me through the website with any comments, questions or musings.  Ramona   

The practice of Reiki has expanded in the decades following 1930’s but the important qualifier is attunements which are given in training to be a practitioner.  There may be difference symbols  used and some slight changes to hand positions in general.  To receive Reiki one does not have to be attuned but to be a practitioner of Reiki method - attunement is needed.  

No, Reiki is a method in the fields of Energy Work it is not a replacement for or intended to replace appropriate medical treatment for physical or psychological challenges.  Reiki sessions should not include the application or use of other medical modalities or medical services or providers.  Unless the person administrating Reiki is certified and/or licensed in a medically accepted field.     

I have not known anyone who didn't receive some benefit pertaining to the relaxation response and some aspect of  mindfulness as they continued on their wellness journey.  Could it be possible that someone feels, sees or senses nothing in particular - yes that is possible.  Not ever modality is for everyone.  It is ok if people come to their own awareness in their own time. 

As for  so called "Miracle" cures I deem that in the realm of a higher power which would be administered (my personal belief) by energy (light).  Which for me is part of the source that makes up the Universal Life Force however what may or may not happen to be claimed or deemed a miracle is between that energy and your own being no matter what modality is used.   

No, it is not a religion or belief or social or occult order system.  Some objections exists to any energy work as being from humans source as opposed to God.  This is a ideological stance on the nature of energies.  I believe that Life force exists and comes from God but my belief is in no way more important than yours.  Please do not participate in any modality that makes you feel uncomfortable for any reason.  You may find other methods work better for your wellness journey. 

No, I do not consider myself a Guru. I met my Guru earlier in my life and those  transformations and teachings were extremely profound.  I do believe that those teaching and practices equipped me with tools that guided me through my everyday experiences good and bad, helpful and hurtful while facilitating an unshakable  higher love and service for mankind.  It also brought me so much closer to Nature and deeper understanding of the solace in a higher connection/God.   

I use Reiki because the attunements opened me to another level and allowed me express my therapeutic nature without feeling drained/over or underwhelmed.  In all my service work it is my intention to hold a safe space so that in that present time one can reboot and for some build-up  your relaxation response in doing so I believe one can foster a deeper awareness to connect with your mind/body experience.  

There are other healing modalities and some are strictly faith based and others possibility not.  I will not discredit other persons, faiths, or modalities that offer energy work.  I simply believe that the ability to channel energy exists by and for everyone.  What I deem important however is evaluating the  modality, checking your own expectations, acknowledging your own self-responsibility  and participating without  any pressure or fear, undue physical or emotional distress.  All persons should be treated appropriately with respect.  

Reiki is offered online and materials are included with the class.   See Services tab for details and what you can expect. REIKI LEVEL I  is the only course being offered at this time.  Level one is complete within itself to be a Reiki Practitioner.   

Level I and Level II and Master/Teacher packages come with the appropriate manuals (downloadable), attunements upon completion and (upon request) certificates. Reiki levels must be completed within two months from the date of purchase and your attunement will be given upon completion. There are no refunds (all sales are final) as all learning manuals & materials are released to you on confirmation of payment.  A minimum of 2 hours of personal Zoom time is required (usually done in 2 one hour sessions  to obtain verification of completion of the class and to schedule your attunement.   Contact me for attunements and Certificate upon request. Individual manuals, powerpoints, music and guided meditation are available for sale separately to help with your own journey. There is no discount if you buy the manual separately.  Those enrolled in an at-distance class or (when available) in person  should be prepared to devote uninterrupted time to study the manual and any materials, practice meditation (free meditation practice is offered to all clients of and prepare for each instructional meeting with Ramona.  When your instructional time is scheduled  please have your manual, a notebook for practicing drawing the symbols and any notes you have taken with any questions from our prior reading.  Please note the manual will not be distributed at the instructional meeting.   All scheduled time to meet with Ramona is used for purpose of learning and practicing your level and Q&A. 

What you can expect from your time with Ramona.  Chapter discussions and quick review of entire course manual, exercises in hand positions & Symbols practice, Q&A and more.  Some topics are listed below. 

  • Reiki - what, where and how
  • Reiki - how it differs
  • Chat on terminology
  • Brief walk through the individual chapters
  • Practice self applied hand positions
  • Practice on Seated hand positions
  • Tips on self-healing & healing others
  • Understanding symbols and drawing them
  • Practicing together by mirroring and a brief reiki healing by Ramona.
  • Opening and Closing sessions
  • How and where Reiki can be used
  • Distance Healing 
  • Teaching Reiki
  • Business tips
  • Tips for Training
  • What is a healing crisis
  • Reiki and Animals
  • Upon completion the student will give a reiki run through a session with Ramona - length to be determined. 

This is a sample listing from all levels and items may be added or omitted depending upon your training level. Also, Ramona customizes her sessions to the individual.    

What is expected of the Student.

  • Be willing to learn and open to new experiences. 
  • Be comfortable and serious about your choice to learn Reiki. 
  • Read and or Print out the manual and other materials
  • Study and write overview notes on each chapter
  • Be prepared to answer questions about each chapter or to talk about what you have learned
  • Write down questions as they come to you and have them ready for instructional time
  • Optional: Practice hand positions on yourself or an object like a teddy bear, toy or animal
  • Optional: Practice drawing the symbols
  • Dress comfortably but professionally when practicing in the instructional sessions.   
  • Be prepared for each scheduled instructional session by setting side undisturbed time for participation in the instruction. 
  • Be comfortable using Zoom meeting and have the necessary internet connection.
  • Verbal or written communication during the session is required serving as  verification/acknowledgement of materials study in the manual. 
  • Abstain from activities that weaken or alter your powers of concentration to study and participate. 
  • Have a sweatshirt or sweater, shawl handy.  
  • Have a water bottle handy
  • Smile a lot Learning Reiki is fun!

You paid for this time so make the most of it.   

Needed manuals and materials are given upon acceptance of payment via download.  You will be expected to study the materials before your instructional meetings.  The cost of my course is reasonable and my space can be limited but my energy and passion for your journey is priceless.  

The purpose of personal instruction is to build your confidence and knowledge under guidance of someone who is skilled.  Self-learning has many benefits but when combined with person to person based learning the experience can be exceptional. 

Reiki is a gift for a lifetime.  You bring to it your own unique ability as Reiki opens what is already there- it heighten the energy field within and around you.  

If you are uncomfortable or socially adverse to touching people or have limitations due to specific belief' systems or social/cultural orders about energy work or healing that is your right.  Reiki may not be the method for you.  You may find  other methods that work for you or other teachers that you can work with.  Your life -  Your Journey. Do what you will feel proud to do for yourself and then in service to others. 

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