We Are Here So Live Like It….

I do not mean to limit anyone’s imagination or creative process but I think it is going to far.  Science fiction writing (back in my day) has seen some real world applications and that is a great thing.  If technology can replace the mundane and help us all better utilize our resources; like help us to clean up the mess we as humans have made thereby making our lives better then I am for it.  But honestly, I just can not rally around the spending of  billions of dollars to build and transport the elite to a hotel on the Moon/in Space.  Please understand I am not jealous because I can not afford to go there, I am concerned that the brightest minds with the most money are not focused on the incredible opportunities that our Planet provides.   Maybe it is not sexy or investor savvy to create and build technology that would assist with the well being of all humans.  Clean water, clean oceans, sustainable energy, better land development as well as crop and medical cures.  This is a shame.

There is an old saying – Just because you can do something does not mean you should.

The final frontier is within, yet we keep striving outward.  I get it, I really do….  But until we can say that we really understand our Earth and treat it like the living thing it is.  I simply can not rally around the idea that spending  billions on a hotel in space is of any value.   We are not ready not ready for “off world” until we all truly embrace and align with the one we were given.  The Earth.

Just my opinion.  RA



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